BOX12 Team on Tour!

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-05 at 11.57.59 AM (1)

It’s that time of year again when we begin to see events ramping up!

This week the team (Jon and Jamie) are attending the inaugural W3Fit event in Malta, joining some of Europe’s leading operators and suppliers for a solid few days of networking.

At the end of October we will be heading over to Dubai Active, the Middles East’s leading international fitness event which runs from the 28 – 30th October.

It may all sound rather glamorous, but we know that face to face networking away from the ‘hussle and bussle’ and in a professional, high level environment and tuned into getting to understand customers needs, meet new opportunities and bounce ideas off each other, is the best way to get business done.

We are always committed to making the most of every opportunity and our travels and purpose to spread the word of what BOX12 can deliver to the fitness industry is why we do it.

We look forward to seeing new and existing industry friends to learn more about the businesses we are building and the future of the industry as a whole.